Exponential Growth
- Case 1: +ve base < 1
- E.g.: (21)1,(21)2,(21)3,(21)4,(21)5,(21)6... or 21,41,81,161,321,641...
- Higher the exponent smaller the number
- Case 2: -ve base < -1
- E.g.: (−3)1,(−3)2,(−3)3,(−3)4,(−3)5 or −3,−9,−27,−81,−243
- Absolute value increases
- +,- alternates
- Case 3: -ve base between -1 & 0
- E.g.: (−21)1,(−21)2,(−21)3,(−21)4,(−21)5,(−21)6... or −21,41,−81,161,−‘321,641...
- Absolute value decreases
- +,- alternates
Exponent Properties
- Inverse law: b−n=bn1 and (1p)−n=(pq)n
- Product law: (ab)n=anbn
- Quotient law: (ba)n=bnan
- Factoring and Distributing: P(a±b)=Pa±Pb
- Warning: (a±b)=an±bn
- Equating powers: If, am=an then, m=n
Unit digit of Power
- Unit digit of any product is influenced by the unit digit of the two factors being multiplied. E.g.: 123⋅16=38868
- What is the unit digit of 57123?
- Considering only one's place, 71=7,72=...9,73=...3,74=...1,75=...7
- We restart pattern (1,7,9,3,1,7,9,3...) at multiples of 4. Therefore 7120 must be 1
- Therefore,7120 has 1 in unit place, 7121 has 7, 7122 has 9 and 7123 has 3
- Therefore, the unit digit of 57123 is 3
Radical Properties
- PQ=P.Q
- b21=b
- bm1=mb
- bnm=(bm)n1=(bn1)m
- k2=k (only if k≥0)
- E.g.: if k=−4,−42=−4
- Common radical-to-decimals: 2=1.4;3=1.7;5=2.2
Always rationalize final value (eliminate radical from denominator)
- E.g: 51=51⋅55=255
- Sometimes, use conjugate to rationalize the final value. E.g.: a2⋅b2=(a+b)(a−b)
Extraneous roots in Radical equations
In a quadratic equation there are 3 possibilities with the final root(s):
- Both root work
- Only 1 root works. E.g.: x+3=x−3 has these roots: {1, 6}, but only x = 6 works not x =1
- Both roots do not work (Even if roots exist, they don't work)
Preservation of Order of Inequality
- If b>1, b<b
- If 0<b<1, b>b
- Roots preserve order of inequality
- if 0<a<b<c order is preserved when 0<na<nb<nc
- E.g. 450 is between what two positive integers?
- 16 < 50 < 81 ≡ 0<416<450<481 So, 450 is between 2 and 3