Image Caption: My volunteer colleagues Emma McEvoy, Romisha Thapa, and me in Dhading, Nepal (2018)
My name is Biju Ale. I am a John 3:16 Christian with a deep interest in Philosophy, Theology, and Science. Welcome to my webpage—a space for thoughtful reflections. I hope you discover something meaningful here that resonates with you.
Presently, I support a consulting firm called Scott Wilson Nepal, in research, monitoring, learning, and evaluation of myriad developmental projects in Nepal.
I support humanitarian and educational causes.
I believe that naturalism, scientism, postmodernism, and critical theory are flawed worldviews.
Some of my favorite authors are C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Richard Swinburne, Pascal, William Lane Craig, and J.P. Moreland.
Some of my favorite bands and arists are Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Elizabeth Cotten, Kenny G, Creed, Evanescence, Symphony X, Seventh Wonder, War of Ages, Stravinsky, and Beethoven.
My favorite guitarists are Buckethead, Michael Romeo, and Mark Tremonti.
Some of my favorite shows are Batman: The Animated Series (1992), X-Men (1992), Full House (1987), Freaks and Geeks (1999), and Robert L. Kuhn’s Closer to Truth.
I’m nostalgic for the charm of the ’90s and early 2000s—if only we could freeze in its cosy zeitgeist!
I also enjoy hiking, cycling, photography, playing the guitar, and creative projects in art, craft, and lettering.
I’m a dog lover.
Find me elsewhere on the web: Academia.edu, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram
Have you any feedback or enquiry, I would love to hear from you. Email address: bijuale[at]aol[dot]com
Consider a small gift money if you appreciate my posts.